Electronic Design Automation
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Modular Certification Program

Matlab and
Analog and Mixed Signal Design
Full Custom Layout and Verification

Modular Certification Program

The courses under Modular Certification Program are best suitable for working professionals, students and faculty members. They consist of theory and practicals designed in a fast track mode which are offered during week days as well as weekends.

In the fast track mode, the classes shall be scheduled for 3 hours during week days and 6 hours during weekends.

courses offered

ASIC Front End Design and Verification
ASIC Physical Design and Verification
FPGA based Application Development
Fill out my online form.

Course Schedule

The Modular Certification Program courses are offered in two modes,

  • Full time mode – In the full time mode, the classes will be held 5 hours per day in the morning for 10 consecutive days.
  • Part time mode – The part time mode offers classes in the evening hours as well as weekends. The evening batches will commence at 6.30 PM and will be held for three days in a week for 20 days. For the weekend batches, classes will commence at 10.00 AM and will be held for four weekends.

Course Commencement Date

The short term course will commence every month. Prior registration is required for taking up admission or attending classes.

Fee Structure

Fees details can be obtained from CIT Office. The fees may be paid in cash / online/DD at CRC.

Placement Assistance

There will be no placement assistance provided for short term courses.

Application Form

Application forms can be collected from the CRC office. Duly filled up application form along
with a passport size photograph should be submitted to the admissions manager.

Online applications are also available along with online payment

Certification Awarding

Certificate will be issued to all students. The certificate will be awarded by CRC.