Principles concerning Research 

As part of its educational responsibility CCCIR seeks to encourage and facilitate research. Those who carry out research either sponsored by or under the aegis of the Institution have responsibilities in turn toward the Institution. To avoid any misunderstanding or confusion, this Statement of Principles sets forth certain of these responsibilities, which the Institution regards as of the highest importance and which researchers are requested to acknowledge in addition to obligations that they may feel toward their own careers, toward their professions as a whole, or toward the foundations or institutions that may support them.

  • The Institution’s research and academic role is a continuing one in which many people serve for varying periods of time. Any publication which reports work done under Institution sponsorship or in association with it must therefore acknowledge all relevant contributions made by staff members, junior and senior, past and present, fully and justly. It is incumbent on the author to submit a copy of his/her publication to the chair/director of the department or unit who sponsored the research affiliate.
  • Several research programs of the Institution have been in progress for many years and depend in large part on good relationships with the local community and with the academic community both national and international; much time and money have been expended in establishing and maintaining such relationships so that research might continue. The Institution and the foundations that have made these expenditures must be protected against any action which might undermine the good will already attained by the work of Institution departments or units. A researcher shall agree not to publish material considered to be harmful to the Institution’s relations with its own local community or to the larger academic community.


All researchers associated with the Institution shall acknowledge, both as a general principle of all good research and as a particular rule in force to protect the reputation of the Institution, that the privacy and self-respect of individuals, communities and institutions must be respected.

  1. Monitoring smooth progress and implementation of research

The conduction of R&D activities is governed by the research policies laid down by the Management. Every research project/ consultancy work/ collaboration and outcomes of research activities are governed by the research policies. The following flow chart briefly describes the process that is recommended for smooth progress and implementation of research schemes/ projects.


 Before submission of research proposal:

After award of research grant:


After completion of research work:




Autonomy to principal investigator – Detailed information is described in Research Policy Document

  • Autonomy to the principal investigator
    • The overhead charges are pooled together to augment common research facilities, maintain and upgrade instruments, provide infrastructure, internet and communication facilities, maintenance, payment of utilities bills, and for engaging staff for maintenance of project accounts.


  • Timely availability or release of resources
    • The RAC enables the Principal Investigators to submit the Statement of Expenditure and Utilization Certificate within 15 days after the financial year end or as and when required by the funding agency thereby ensuring timely release of the next installment from the funding agencies.
    • The principal investigator attends the review meeting and updates on the requirements for carrying out research work. The RAC reviews the progress work and authorizes the PI to utilize the funds for procurement of resources based on a detailed report with comparative statement.
    • RAC ensures that within the stipulated time the funds are released and resources required for smooth conduction of research are made available.


  • Adequate infrastructure and human resources
    • A space of 1000 sq. ft is provided to every department with 10 computers, projector, discussion room, library and digital library access for conduction of R&D activities. Dedicated faculties are recruited for monitoring progress work of R&D activities.
    • A separate R&D facility that is common to all departments is also established with a space of 2000 sq. ft, the common R&D facility houses three centres of excellence 1. Brain Computer Interface, 2. Underwater sensors and navigation lab, 3. SoC design. The common R&D facility has IEDC and VGST sponsored lab facility.
    • The R&D facility is headed by the Dean, who is also Professor in ECE department. The following are the faculty members dedicatedly working for the R&D centre in their respective disciplines:






Dr. Cyril Prasanna Raj P.

VLSI Signal Processing


Ravi kumar

Cloud computing, big data



Signal and video processing


Ravi Tuppad

Android application development, web based services



Web based services


Chetan Naik

Embedded Systems Design


Asha Rani

Biomedical Signal Processing



Cloud computing


  • Time-off, reduced teaching load, special leave to teachers
    • Policy documents specifies the work load allotment for faculties involved in research activities
  • Support in terms of technology and information needs
    • Centres of excellence facilities established have the required software and hardware facilities for conduction of research.
    • Dedicated internet facility of 10 Mbps with access to online journals from VTU consortium is made available to all faculty members.
  • Facilitate timely auditing and submission of utilization certificate to the funding authorities

RAC conducts regular review meetings every year and instruct the principal investigator in preparing annual reports/ closure reports for auditing and the utilization certificate is submitted during the month of May- June of every year (maximum of two months from March)