Electrochemical Lab

In the current context, electrochemistry has a rising demand in solving intricate problems especially in the automobile and other battery-dependent product based industries.

At CCCIR’s Electrochemistry Lab, we focus on research programs that are centered on:

  1. Understanding the electronic structures of surfaces, with emphasis on metal oxides
  2. Searching for descriptors of catalytic activity, surface/interface reactivity and ion transport
  3. Applying fundamental understanding to design materials for oxygen electrocatalysis, CO2 reduction, ion intercalation and ion conductors, in electrochemical/photoelectrochemical energy conversion and storage, including lithium-ion, flow and metal-air batteries, proton exchange membrane and solid oxide fuel cells.

Our current emphasis at CCCIR’s Electrochemistry Lab is on fundamental understanding of mesoscale and interface interactions in electrochemical energy storage and pertinent implications in performance, life, and safety.


CCCIR’s Electrochemistry Lab is the best in South India to have completed some of the best cutting-edge research in collaboration with leading national and international corporate giants and research agencies.


Our team of Scientists at Electrochemistry Lab have published their findings in some of the leading SCOPUS and International journals. These published articles have had several citations in the relevant world of Blockchain Technology.


The fine balance of academicians and industry researchers have put together leading and updated courses to help new scientists interested to research in Electrochemistry. These are in-depth and hands-on courses for a research-oriented understanding of the subjects.