Transformation in business models towards sustainability has led to broadening of research beyond scientific performance impacting economy, policy making, fostering education, systemic changes contributing to societal and environmental challenges. CCCIR model embraces these changes by diversifying the academic policies leading to students getting involved in innovation harvesting for new product development. The startup culture is imbibed by supporting entrants at CCCIR with access to stat-of-the-art infrastructure, cutting edge technology and funding sources. CCCIRs association with leading organization across the globe executes collaborative research projects and offers consultancy services.
Imperative to discover and a transition to sustainable future require research into sustainability. CCCIR focusses on undertaking research into sustainability generating new insights and curiosity. With the expertise and future road maps into sustainability research work at CCCIR is focussed on SDG 3, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14 and 15.
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“We create world-changing solutions that make people safer, healthier and more productive”
CIRCC’s got that rare mix of people, creativity, technical diversity and excellence, and flexibility to pursue longer-range goals. Of course there are no guarantees, but CIRCC provides the tools for a motivated person to make things happen.